Posts Tagged ‘Ai Wei Wei’

Berlin Art Week 2023

by Lorna McDowell // Aug. 22, 2023
The 12th edition of Berlin Art Week is almost upon us! Running from September 13th to 17th, the event will present a wide-reaching program that highlights the diversity of the Berlin…[read on]

Anish Kapoor at Monumenta in Paris

Article and photos by Anna Russ in Berlin // June 17, 2011
Anish Kapoor is the fourth artist invited to create a monumental artwork for this giant space. His sculpture, Leviathan is named after the mythological-biblical sea monster. After the title of Thomas Hobbes’ book, Leviathan has additionally become a synonym for governmental arbitrariness. Today Kapoor has seized this reading by dedicating his sculpture to Ai Wei Wei. [view all images…]

ROCKS AND TREES – Ai Weiwei at Neugerriemschneider

where is ai wei wei?

Blog entry and photos by Jeni Fulton – in Berlin; Tuesday, May 17, 2011.

It is now 40 days since Weiwei was arrested, and his show at the gallery neugerriemschneider serves as a reminder that the culture wars are not over, they have merely relocated. Weiwei’s installation of reassembled trees (Tree, 2011) and white porcelain rocks (Rock, 2011) is intended to invoke associations with traditional Chinese gardens, sites of contemplation and reflection.
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ai weiwei

Blog Entry by Jeni Fulton – in Berlin; Tuesday, April 19, 2011.

A calm atmosphere reigned: people passed bags of sunflower seeds in homage to Weiweis current installation at the Tate Modern and waved posters. The protest was attended by leading figures of the Berlin arts scene including the curator of the Ethnological museum in Dahlem, and aroused a great deal of media attention.

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TEA CIRCLE: For Ai Wei Wei

Blog Entry by Anastasia Loginova – in Berlin; Saturday, April 16, 2011.

The international art world’s responce to the recent imprisonment of Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei has been strong. New York City’s Guggenheim has urged local museums to create a public petition for his freedom . The glass roof top of London’s Tate Modern reads “RELEASE AI WEI WEI” clearly, even from across the river. In Berlin the artists took to the streets. On Saturday, 9th April, they gathered outside the Chinese Embassy to make tea, not war.

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