Posts Tagged ‘Angela Connor’

One on One = one, two, many

Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012.

We all know that crowds spoil the viewing of art. Since the late 1960’s, we have see the various rises and falls of the blockbuster exhibition and there has been much debate in major…[read on…]


Lars Tunbjörk - from the series "Vinter", (2008)

Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012.

As part of the European Month of Photography, Swedish Photography is exhibiting the work of Stockholm based photographer and photojournalist, Lars Tunbjörk. Exhibited over two adjoining spaces, his bleak documentary series Vinter was shot between 2004-07 and captures the bitter reality of the…[read on…]

AES+F at Martin Gropius Bau

Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Monday, Oct. 29, 2012.

Russian art collective AES+F is exhibiting for the first time in Germany their epic masterpiece The Trilogy at Martin Gropius Bau Gallery. Presented as an immersive large-scale installation over three rooms, Last Riot (2005-07), The Feast of Trimalchio (2009) and Allegoria Sacra (2011) are pictorial orgies that depict scenes of death, desire, catastrophe, consumption and international warfare…[read on…]

The Power of Digital Art. ‘reflecting on networks’ at km temporaer

Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.

Accessible to anyone with a computer and Internet connection, digital art has become a global experience, capable of liberating individuals from the elitist system of art production and consumption through its mass distribution and participatory models. Blurring the boundary between artist and viewer, collaboration and inclusive actions became key components at km temporaer last weekend, where curators…[read on…]

Thomas Demand at Sprüth Magers Berlin

Article by Angela Connor in Berlin // Oct. 02, 2012.
German artist Thomas Demand (b. 1964) is well known for his large-format photographs of life-sized three-dimensional sculptures made from cardboard and paper. Trained as a sculptor at the prestigious Kunstakademie…[read on…]

Berlin Art Link’s Night & Day Series #3: Eva Maria Salvador & John Kleckner

Eva Maria Salvador & John Kleckner

Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Wednesday, Sep. 19, 2012.

Last weekend, Berlin Art Link presented its third exhibition in their ongoing Day & Night series with American artist John Kleckner and Swiss artist Eva Maria Salvador. This exhibition followed on from their first collaborative exhibition Köpfe und Helme (2011) and explored notions of mortality, entropy, regeneration and metamorphosis, whilst engaging in the creative repurposing of recycled materials…[read on…]