“All things are alter’d, nothing is destroyed,” writes John Dryden, translating Odin’s ‘Metamorphosis.’ Or M. NourbeSe Philip, who borrows this epigraph from Odin in her book…[read on]
Jumana Manna is a Palestinian visual artist and filmmaker based between Jerusalem and Berlin. Her recent work includes the feature-length films ‘Wild Relatives’ (2018) and…[read on]
At Pirelli HangarBicocca’s cavernous, industrial exhibition space, Thao Nguyen Phan’s works—videos, installations, drawings and paintings—bring a certain poetic softness…[read on]
Arijit Bhattacharyya’s exhibition, ‘Sea of Forests’, questions the respective roles of nature and civilisation. Can we dissolve the boundaries between, and relearn from the…[read on]
‘Pole der Unzugänglichkeit’ (Poles of Inaccessibility) is the continuation of the exhibition series ‘Schwindel’ (Vertigo), which initiated a critical analysis of humanity’s…[read on]
There’s a clean simplicity about Julius von Bismarck’s encompassing, biographical exhibition, ‘When Platitudes Become Form,’ at the Berlinische Galerie…[read on]
With a fitting title, Federico Solmi’s exhibition ‘The Drunken Boat’ questions American history and politics, saturating them in dark humor and mockery…[read on]
The relationship between humans and technology, and the ethical implications of the latter, have been the subject of an ongoing debate that draws in all disciplines…[read on]
For almost two decades, Indigenous artist Daniel Boyd has confronted and disrupted the misrepresentations of colonial narratives that comprise the history of so-called…[read on]
Taking the notion of repair as the foundation for this year’s Berlin Biennale, Kader Attia set himself the task of addressing and proposing a means to heal the wounds of our society’s…[read on]
Dutch artist Renzo Martens—famous for numerous, complex, sometimes repulsive, acts of artistic holy foolery—is back with a new chapter in his ongoing project at KOW in Mitte,…[read on]
There is no monolithic “Black American experience” to be garnered here, but two stark artistic approaches that each point to an interest in reclaiming narratives…[read on]