Posts Tagged ‘Feinkost Galerie’


Blog Entry by Clare Ros– in Berlin; Friday, May 27, 2011.

An Art Newspaper is pleased to announce the release of its special limited edition DECADE issue giving an extensive look back at The Noughties. One thousand copies only, this special 56-page signed double issue brings to our readers an anthological survey of An Art Newspaper’s greatest hits and liveliest scripts that made the last 10 years what it was.
[read on…]

Breaking Windows & During Office Hours

Berlin Art Link feature exhibition Feinkost Gallery
by Ester Ippolito // Oct. 22, 2010
Most of us walk around with a little bit of interior chaos that we suppress during day-to-day life. Due largely to social norms of expected behaviours maintained in ‘civilized society’,…[read on]