Article by Liam Casey in Los Angeles // Apr. 22, 2017
Ursula Ströbele and Andreas Greiner were still ecstatic from their success the night before. Their installation, ‘Evolutionary Urge: 24h Sculpture (Digital/Virtual)’, opened at 7pm on Friday, and was still open for…[read on]
Interview by Alison Hugill – in Berlin; Thursday, Mar. 03, 2016.
Open Forum is a project space owned by gallerists
Nick Königsknecht and
Hannes Schroeder-Finckh. The couple have opened their home to show work by admired emerging artists, blurring the boundaries between collector, audience and exhibitor. Last year they invited…
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Article by Angela Connor – in Berlin; Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.
Accessible to anyone with a computer and Internet connection, digital art has become a global experience, capable of liberating individuals from the elitist system of art production and consumption through its mass distribution and participatory models. Blurring the boundary between artist and viewer, collaboration and inclusive actions became key components at km temporaer last weekend, where curators…[read on…]
Blog entry by Angela Connor in Berlin; Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012.
The rapid increase in digital technology since the 1980’s has had a radical impact on the production, experience and distribution of art. Traditional forms of art such as painting, photography, sculpture and drawing have been transformed resulting in new hybridized genres of artistic practice. No longer defined by its physical and geographic boundaries these new art forms…
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Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTUR ZENTRUM DAZ “Let the user speak next” – BILL DIETZ, JANINA JANKE Performance & Discussion: Wednesday Aug. 22; 7pm Köpenickerstr. 48/49 (click here for map) KUNSTRAUM KREUZBERG/BETHANIEN “reSource 002: Out of Place. Out of Time” – Discussions, installations, performances, workshops Exhibition: August 22 – August 24, 2012 Opening Reception:… Read more »