Posts Tagged ‘Studio Lukas Feireiss’

BERLIN ARCH LINK: The Great Babylon Circus

Blog entry by Elvia Pyburn-Wilk – in Berlin; Friday, July 15, 2011.

The Great Babylon Circus, curated by the Berlin-based critic and curator Lukas Feireiss in collaboration with the MU in Eindhoven, Netherlands, brings together cutting-edge creatives from the filed of art, architecture and design to engage in the continuation of the never-ending design of the Tower of Babel.

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BERLIN ARCH LINK: TESTIFY! Lukas Feireiss on Architectural Consequences

Blog entry by Elvia Pyburn-Wilk – in Berlin; Friday, July 8, 2011.

Testify! The Consequences of Architecture, originally conceived for the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam by Lukas Feireiss, intentionally challenges the cross-examination of our built environment as the sole provenance of the architect and attempts to interweave architectural discourse into the very fabric of society.

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