Openings at Nome, Rainbow Unicorn, Momentum, kindl, Future Gallery, Galerie Bastian, Galerie Neu, CFA, Image Movement, Field Notes, Alexander Levy, Neumeister Bar-Am, Tanya Leighton, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, BQ, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Carlier/Gebauer,…[read on]
Monday, Nov. 16, 2015 C/O BERLIN Lecture: “Serendipity – Vom Glück des Findens” – STEFFEN SIEGEL Screening: “Skizzen und Tableaux” – RALPH GOERTZ Lecture and Screening: Monday, Nov. 16, 2015; 6:30pm In front of the Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22–24 (click here for map) BERLINISCHE GALERIE Artist Talk with ELI CORTIÑAS, WULF HERZOGENRATH Talk: Monday, Nov.… Read more »