Posts Tagged ‘GR_UND’

The Week June 24-30, 2024

Photograph of an art installation with a row of three silver airplane seats
Openings and events at max goelitz, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Haus am Lützowplatz, max goelitz, Project Space Festival, The Watch, Grotto, Persons Projects, Spor Klübü, gr_und, TD, COUNCIL+, diffrakt, Die Möglichkeit einer Insel,…[read on]

The Week June 12–18, 2023

Openings and events at Sophiensæle, Sonntag, Hans Unstern, A:D:Curatorial, Project Space 17, gr_und, Mehringplatz 20, Ballhaus Ost, SAVVY Contemporary, Galerie Wedding, Future Gallery, Videoart at Midnight,…[read on]

THE WEEK July 5–11, 2021

Openings and events at transmediale, Galerie im Turm, Halle am Berghain, Dittrich & Schlechtriem, carlier | gebauer, Momentum, gr_und, Dorothée Nilsson Gallery,…[read on]

THE WEEK, Sept. 16–22, 2019

Openings and events at Berliner Festspiele, KW Institute, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin Art Prize, Friends with Books, Panke Gallery, Gr_und, Il Kino Berlin, Horse and Pony, The Institue for Endotic Research, Videoart at Midnight, Institut für alles Mögliche,[read on]

Berlin Art Week: The Hit List 2019

Article by Ernela Vukaj // Sep. 02, 2019
The eighth edition of Berlin Art week begins this month to showcase the best that Berlin’s creative scene has to offer, from project spaces to museums to commercial galleries[read on]

Apply Now for the Berlin Art Prize

Apr. 05, 2019
Berlin’s independent art award the Berlin Art Prize announces its open call for artists who have lived in Berlin for at least 6 months. For it’s 6th edition, it collaborates with nine independent Berlin project spaces[read on]