Posts Tagged ‘Michel Foucault’
Screening // Sarah Vanhee: ‘The Making of Justice’ at HAU – Hebbel am Ufer
Article by Kimberly Budd in Berlin // Oct. 16, 2017
Sarah Vanhee is inquisitive of the voices that are kept out of our view in society. She informs the audience in her artist talk, following the screening of her film ‘The Making of Justice’ at HAU – Hebbel am Ufer…[read on]
Words // The Head and the Heart: Marcus Steinweg and Guests at BQ
Article by Nat Marcus in Berlin // Feb. 24, 2017
Printed in a closed circle, on one of the canvases in the foyer of Mitte’s BQ gallery: “But it is not something interior that makes an outward appearance nor something wholly other. It is something whose existence is…[read on]
Filmmaker Lutz Dammbeck: American Angst and German Paranoia
by Nicolas Hausdorf // Apr. 18, 2016
Television game shows as tools for occupation, feedback loop anthropology and psychoanalysis in the post-national laboratory: admittedly, there is something overwhelming…[read on]
INTERSECTIONS // An Interview with Siegfried Zielinski
Article by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015.
Recently we had a chance to speak with Siegfried Zielinski, a celebrated professor at the University of Art (UdK) and the European Graduate School, who authored over a dozen books, and founded a new field of research – media archaeology. Zielinski is…[read on…]