The Buchmann Box near Checkpoint Charlie is currently showing a series of large lithographic prints by celebrated American artist Richard Serra, most famous for his steel sculptures – great forged slabs that arc, twist and loom, forcing the viewer into an altered perception of space. Serra has managed to replicate this giddying spatial effect on paper – the massive swathes of dense black ink are forceful, masculine even. They emanate a tension that draws the viewer in, closer inspection revealing a simple yet satisfying marriage between textured lithographic inks and thick Belgian paper. It’s a tactile experience.
Just across the road from the Box, in the main Buchmann Galerie, is Lawrence Carroll’s Back to the Cave solo show. Blending the boundaries between painting and sculpture, the elegant placement of the work is always at the forefront of Carroll’s mind.
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (cut out painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (stair painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (hinge painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (hinge painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (hinge painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Untitled” (cut out painting) (2013), oil and wax on canvas on wood
Lawrence Carroll – “Back to the Cave”, Installation view.
Additional Information
“Back to the Cave”
Exhibition: Nov. 8 – Jan. 18, 2014
Charlottenstrasse. 13&75 (click here for map)
Blog entry by Louis Labron-Johnson & photos by Stephanie Third in Berlin; Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013.