The Month of Performance Art (MPA-B) returns this May for its fourth year, this time with a new hub specially dedicated to the festival, the Ding Dong Dom – Das Theatre der Zukunft. The structure itself is described as embodying the “ephemeral nature of performance art,” as it is constructed from old windows and shipping containers by performance group Showcase Beat le Mot, architect Martin Kaltwasser, and volunteers.
However, many of the performance actions and interactions will take place around Berlin, with over 80 projects from 100 artists at 18 different venues.
Paloma Orts Pascual’s work at 2013’s MPA-B in Gendarmenmarkt; courtesy of MPA-B, photo by Pau Orts Pascual
Though there is programming for all of May, MPA-B isn’t a festival but an open platform based on collaborative efforts. Many additional performative actions and spontaneous events will also take place throughout May. There are Daily Planning Breakfast Meetings for the day’s events, Law Writing Sessions to collaborate and discuss a performance art manifesto from last year’s MPA-B, and Public Try-Outs and Talks.
Some of the programming includes live food porn markets, a series with artists performing in a white 8-foot cube, and a verbal live performance by Sergei Kleyn, who spent the last two months in Kiev at Maydan Square.
Additional Information
Programming: May 01 – May 31, 2014
DING DING DOM – Das Theatre der Zukunft, Holzmarktstraße 25 (click here for map)
MPA-B Opening Street Fiesta
May 01, 2014; 2pm
WORLDSTAGE (outdoor courtyard), Bullenwinkel/Naunynstrasse 51-54 (click here for map)
Blog entry by AJ Kiyoizumi in Berlin; Saturday, Apr. 19, 2014.