Sunday, Apr. 22, 2018
ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistic’s residency programme is now open for applications from artists, scholars and practitioners that concern themselves with the phenomenon of ‘the city’ between April 1st and May 20th, 2018. The programme is open to a range of contemporary artistic positions that are conceptual, interventionist and contextual. Work at ZK/U is informed by theoretical and practice-based critiques within the fields of urban research, geography, anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities. ZK/U is particularly interested in initiatives that create spaces for encounter and exchange between citizens from diverse backgrounds; formats that question and reclaim urban infrastructure and public space for the commons; practices that make global complexities graspable in a local context; and projects that imagine forms of local belonging within post-migration societies.

Courtesy of ZK/U
The programme consists of an active-collaborative format for mutual exchange, weekly Thursday Dinners, where the residents get the opportunity to introduce their practice to a selected audience, and monthly studio visits by professionals from ZK/U’s network. ZK/U’s residents furthermore have the possibility to share their work with a broader public during the OPENHAUS, a monthly open studio format, and by proposing their own public events and projects.
The residency space consists of furnished studio-apartments (half of which have private bathrooms) and communal facilities like a large kitchen, a terrace, a library-in-progress and a surrounding public park. For individual fellows, depending on the type of studio-apartment and the length of stay (3-8 months), the residency costs are between €550 and €850 per month. The price covers all utility costs and space usage.
Application Info
Deadline: May 20, 2018