Aug. 21, 2019
ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics’ residency program is open for applications from artists, scholars and practitioners that concern themselves with the phenomenon of ‘the city’. Proposals for a residency at ZK/U Berlin can be in the range of contemporary artistic positions that are conceptual, interventionist and contextual, to projects that are informed by theoretical and practice-based critiques within the fields of urban research, geography, anthropology, urbanism, architecture and the humanities. With collaborative practices and peer-to-peer learning at its core, the residency is about exchanging with and learning from other artists and practitioners. Residents are encouraged to get involved with ZK/U’s program and to propose their own formats.

ZK/U Berlin Open Call for Residency Program // Courtesy of ZK/U Berlin
Every half year, ZK/U welcomes new applications from artists, scholars and practitioners for a place in the residency program. The ZK/U residency is a production space where artists, researchers and practitioners can meet and work on individual or collaborative projects and ideas. The program consists of various formats for exchange with selected and broader audiences. The residency space offers studio-apartments and communal facilities; the costs for which are between €550 and €850 for individual fellows depending on type of studio-apartment and length of stay. The residency period varies from 3 to 8 months, and can take place within the next two years after the applicant receives a confirmation. After being selected, ZK/U will support the invited residential fellow in their efforts to secure funding through external grants by providing the fellow with an official invitation and a list of potential funders.
Application Info
Deadline: Oct. 13, 2019