Posts Tagged ‘Art in Berlin’

ArtStars* 55 – Gilbert and George

by // May 19, 2011
When UK divas Gilbert and George heard that ArtStars* was coming to Arndt Gallery in Berlin – they left the place running. We chased them down the street on the way…[read on]

BUY, TWEET, OR BURN: The Best and Worst of the Berlin Art Scene

kitty Kraus

Blog Entry by Corinna Kirsch– in Berlin; Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

Kraus takes banal and inanimate objects, then recombines and alters them in a way to imbue them with emotion and a resemblance to living things. For her “ice lamp,” she sealed a light bulb with silicone and then stuck it inside a cube of icy water and ink, causing the lamp to slowly wither and melt away. Regarding this work, Kraus has said: “When you see the lamp, there is something extremely sad about it.”

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BUY, TWEET, OR BURN: The Best and Worst of the Berlin Art Scene

Article by Corinna Kirsch in Berlin // May 4, 2011
As a freelancer, I have a small and nearly empty bank account, but I still dream about buying artworks off the gallery walls. Of course, not all great art can hang above a couch, so my fanciful thoughts then fade to debating the merits of the works on hand and the art scene itself—typical thoughts for…[read more…]

Despina Stokou, Artator!

by Clare Ros // Nov. 26, 2010
Despina Stokou’s dynamic personality and engaging spirit are reflected equally through her vibrant, colorful canvases, overflowing with strong messages…[read on]