Posts Tagged ‘Belgium’
Open Call for Arts Festival Programmers at BRUSK
Sept. 6, 2023
Musea Brugge in Bruges, Belgium announces an open call for curators and arts programmers for the inaugural festival of their new exhibition hall, BRUSK…[read on]
Casting Out Demons: Danai Anesiadou at WIELS
by William Kherbek // Mar. 28, 2023
Entering the gallery at WIELS, we find something like an IKEA display designed by Alejandro Jodorowsky. A deep red carpet covers the entire floor of the main space…[read on]
The Year of Black Healing: An Interview with Grace Ndiritu
Interview by Juan José Santos Mateo // Feb. 28, 2020
They moved the headstones, but not the bodies. The Africa Museum, located in Tervuren, Belgium, is like the ‘Poltergeist’ House. The original idea of the museum came from Leopold II—King of Belgium and owner of…[read on]
Open Call for Curators // Stad en Architectuur Auditorium Lecture Series
Apr. 10, 2018
Stad en Architectuur vzw is inviting curators to apply for the curatorship of the lecture series Auditorium 18/19. The latest edition of Auditorium will take place from October 2018 to May 2019 in the…[read on]