Berlin // Jul. 09, 2017
This year, Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair will open to the public from July 14th to 16th at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Conceptual Poetics Day will take over the stage at Miss Read…[read on]
Article by Alison Hugill in Berlin // Jul. 24, 2016
Gully Havoc—a Berlin-based platform for new sound, text and print—will launch its first instalment of an ongoing anthology of international writers in Berlin. The book, titled ‘Your +1’, explores the writing of international visual artists and musicians based in Berlin…[read on]
Tuesday, Jun. 23, 2015 HAUS DER KULTUREN DER WELT “Les Rencontres Internationales – New Cinema and Contemporary Art” Exhibition: Jun. 23 – 28, 2015 Opening: Tuesday, Jun. 23; 8pm John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 (click here for map) EMBASSY OF MEXICO, BERLIN “Hidden” – BEATRIZ MORALES Exhibition: Jun. 1 – 25, 2015 Finissage: Tuesday, Jun. 23; 7pm Klingelhöferstrasse… Read more »