Posts Tagged ‘Cologne’
Exhibition // Melike Kara at Peres Projects
Article by Alice Bardos – in Berlin; Friday, Mar. 04, 2016
An visit to Melike Kara’s In Your Presence makes viewers feel as if they were sent floating down the river Alph through Xanadu. Anticipation might build, though Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Kubla Khan does not actually await within the caverns…[read on…]
Exhibition // Head Facing Left, Dafni Barbageorgopoulou
Blog post by Marianna Liosi – in Berlin; Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013.
On Sunday, July 14th the solo exhibition Head Facing Left by Dafni Barbageorgopoulou opened at The Wand, as the second part of the trilogy titled Discipline(!), curated by Anna Redeker…[read on…]