Posts Tagged ‘Haus der Statistik’
The Week May 9–15, 2022
Openings and events at Kupferstichkabinett, Centrum, Prater Galerie, Stella A., HOTO – home to artists, Haus der Statistik, ACUD Galerie, nGbK, Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, St.-Thomas-Kirche, Xanadu,…[read on]
The Week October 18–24, 2021
Openings and events at KaDeWe, Berlin Atonal, Sophiensæle, Schloss Neuhardenberg, Haus der Statistik, Galerie Guido W. Baudach, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, E-Werk Luckenwalde,…[read on]
The ‘Berlin Questions’ Conference Asks for a Better Future
Aug. 9, 2021
From August 11th to 14th, ‘Berlin questions’ will turn the city into a stage for a global debate on the most pressing issues of our time…[read on]
THE WEEK Aug. 2–8, 2021
Openings and events at Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Tanz im August, Acud Galerie, Kindl, Bärenzwinger, Tropez, Wentrup, Weserhalle,…[read on]
THE WEEK May 10–16, 2021
Openings and events at Kwadrat, Haus Der Statistik, Haus am Lützowplatz, Kindl Berlin…[read on]
Open Call for the Whole Life Academy at HKW Berlin and Haus der Statistik
Nov. 12, 2020
Taking the archive as a public space of assembly in which the material and non-material foundations of the present are both created and contested, a second edition of…[read on]
Berlin Art Week Sept. 09–15, 2019
Openings and events at Fluentum, Berlinische Galerie, Gropius Bau, Spürt Magers, Galerie Neu, Positions Berlin, Art Berlin, Haus der Statistik, Blain Southern, Berlin Art Prize, C/O Berlin, Schinkel Pavillon, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, E-Werk Luckenwalde, Boros Collection,…[read on]
Making Futures Summer School Opens at Haus der Statistik
Article by Ernela Vukaj // Aug. 23, 2019
Making Futures Bauhaus+ research project will be opening its Making Futures Summer School in Berlin at the end of August. Over the duration of two weeks…[read on]
Location, Location, Location: Berlin Real Estate Gets a Community DIY Interface
Article by Nina Prader // Sept. 19, 2018
One exclamation point was not enough to underline the bold graffiti letters on the side of the massive, windowpane-less Haus der Statistik, proclaiming “Stop Wars On Migration!!”. Empty for a decade, the former…[read on]