Posts Tagged ‘Project Space Festival’

The Week June 24-30, 2024

Openings and events at max goelitz, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Haus am Lützowplatz, max goelitz, Project Space Festival, The Watch, Grotto, Persons Projects, Spor Klübü, gr_und, TD, COUNCIL+, diffrakt, Die Möglichkeit einer Insel,…[read on]

The Week June 17-23, 2024

Openings and events at Project Space Festival, GlogauAIR, KORNFELD, ACUD Galerie, DOCK 11, Akademie der Künste, Georg Kolbe Museum, Ronewa Art Projects, 68projects by KORNFELD, DOOM SPA, Galerie im Turm, NEW FEARS, Mehringplatz 20, Kleine Humboldt Galerie, …[read on]

The Week May 27–June 2, 2024

Openings and events at artspring berlin, BBA Gallery, Project Space Festival, Galerie im Turm, alpha nova & galerie futura, Tropez, ufaFabrik, C/O Berlin, Scope BLN, MOMENTUM-LAGOS, Floating University Berlin, Eigen + Art, Galerie EIGEN + ART Berlin, …[read on]

The Week June 12–18, 2023

Openings and events at Sophiensæle, Sonntag, Hans Unstern, A:D:Curatorial, Project Space 17, gr_und, Mehringplatz 20, Ballhaus Ost, SAVVY Contemporary, Galerie Wedding, Future Gallery, Videoart at Midnight,…[read on]

The Week May 29–June 4, 2023

Openings and events at Sophiensæle, Helmut Newton Foundation, Finnland-Institut, Tchoban Foundation – Museum für Architekturzeichnung, super bien!, Tropez, artspring 2023, Project Space Festival, Cultural Workers Studio,…[read on]

Project Space Festival Opens in June

by Olivia Ladanyi // May 25, 2023
Project Space Festival is returning for the seventh time with its month-long programme, providing a comprehensive insight into the city’s artistic and community-led…[read on]

The Week August 29–September 4, 2022

Openings and events at anorak, Berlinische Galerie, Project Space Festival Berlin, Neun Kelche, Apartment Project, Das Haus der Tödlichen Doris, pars APERITIVO, Michael Reid Berlin, Berlin Art Prize 2022, Centrum, Blake & Vargas, Acud Galerie, Scherben,…[read on]

The Week August 15–21, 2022

Openings and events at Project Space Festival, Tanz im August, Grzegorzki Shows, Galerie Thomas Fischer, WIRWIR, Galerie Wedding, Pansion Projects, HWK, HAU, Berliner Festspiele, silent green,…[read on]