Posts Tagged ‘Silvia Federici’
Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld
by Fionn Adamian // Aug. 30, 2024
Sarah Schönfeld is not a photographer. The kaleidoscopic series of prints that comprise her project ‘Labor Lab,’ an upcoming solo exhibition at the Schering Stiftung’s project space…[read on]
Activism // Heilige Hexen: An Interview with BRUJAS
Article by Nat Marcus in Berlin // Jun. 27, 2017
Like proper witches, the BRUJAS collective shifts shapes: they are a skate crew emerging from the Bronx in the past few years, as well as an apparel design collective, party hosts, and a facilitator of workshops on…[read on]
Work // Domestic Realism and Collective Choreography: An Interview with Helen Hester
Article by Benjamin Busch in Berlin // Sep. 02, 2016
Last year’s popular book ‘Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work’ (Verso) set forth three interwoven political…[read on]
Body // Deep Surface: An Interview with Lorenzo Sandoval
Interview by Alison Hugill // Apr. 11, 2016
Lorenzo Sandoval is an artist, curator, theorist and self-professed amateur architect. His works reckon with distributions of space and power through platforms and encounters that encourage…[read on]
Art & Feminism // An Interview with Fannie Sosa: On Twerking and the Commons
Interview by Alison Hugill // June 22, 2015
Argentinian and Black-Brazilian artist and researcher Fannie Sosa has been travelling the world, both online and off, with her deeply healing and politically-informed twerkshops. Sosa is well-versed in the history of…[read on]