Posts Tagged ‘paul graham’

Letter from the Editors: Family

a photograph of a group of people dancing in a field
by Alison Hugill, Dagmara Genda // Jan. 6, 2023
Kinship beyond bloodlines—or the recently popularized concept of “chosen family”—is, for many, a mode of survival that provides escape from the suffocations and all too often latent…[read on]

THE WEEK November 03 – 09

Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2014 EIGEN + ART LAB “To be continued” – GROUP SHOW Exhibition: Nov. 04 – Nov. 29, 2014 Opening Reception: Tuesday, Nov. 04; 5-9pm Ehemalige Jüdische Mädchenschule, Auguststraße 11-13 (click here for map) IMAGE MOVEMENT “Moves#75: Sky Walking” – NAUJOKS KERSTEN VON DER SCHULENBURG Musical Performance: Tuesday, Nov. 04; 8:30pm Oranienburger Straße… Read more »