
Sandra Vásquez de la Horra

by Annalisa Giacinti // June 20, 2024
Sandra Vásquez de la Horra is a mother, a psychologist, an anthropologist and a cook, she tells me, when I ask her about her practice. Experienced in a variety of creative…[read on]

Silke Nowak

by An Paenhuysen // Nov. 24, 2023
“Sometimes they come and sit with me on the sofa,” Silke Nowak tells us. We are discussing possible locations for the photo shoot after our studio visit. Nowak’s two bunnies…[read on]

Via Lewandowsky

by Dagmara Genda // Sept. 5, 2023
The defining feature of Via Lewandowsky’s practice is not a material or a theme but an attitude—a nearly palpable, restless curiosity. It is also what makes his work so difficult to pin down…[read on]

Monika Grabuschnigg

by Annalisa Giacinti // June 13, 2023
When I arrive at her studio, on a very warm and sunny afternoon in May, I’m five minutes too early, Monika Grabuschnigg points out jokingly…[read on]

Chloé Lee

by Annalisa Giacinti // May 12, 2023
Chloé Lee’s studio is located in a calm residential street on the top floor of an apartment building, and it overlooks a tree-lined courtyard. Despite it being a rather cool early April day…[read on]

Nadine Fecht

by Dagmara Genda // Apr. 14, 2023
When, during our studio visit, Nadine Fecht asks “how can we co-exist together?” she speaks to the tension between the multitude and the individual…[read on]

Elif Saydam

Artist Elif Saydam sits on their red couch in their studio
by Nina Prader // July 8, 2022
The sign above the studio entrance reads “Video Inn,” written in all caps and now coloured by an 80s patina. There, we meet painter Elif Saydam, sitting on the steps of the former video…[read on]

Christine Sun Kim

by Emily Watlington // Feb. 08, 2019
When I visited Christine Sun Kim’s studio, there was a large charcoal drawing on the wall that read “Why my Hearing Parents Sign”, above a pie chart she…[read on]

Klara Hobza

by Jack Radley // Feb. 9, 2018
“No credible scientists would ever build anything like this because it would ruin their careers,” boasts Klara Hobza, smirking at the artistic endeavor standing before her,…[read on]

Olaf Breuning

by BAL Productions // Jan. 9, 2018
Swiss artist Olaf Breuning spent 16 years developing his practice in New York City before moving Upstate to find a measure of solitude in his work environment. Functioning…[read on]

Charles Avery

Berlin Art Link Studio Visit with Charles Avery
by Rebecca Partridge // Mar. 28, 2017
There are few contemporary artists whose practices travel the same imaginative distance as Charles Avery. Initially a ten-year project, now a lifetime…[read on]

Birte Bosse

Berlin Art Link Studio Visit with Birte Bosse
by Julianne Cordray // July 12, 2016
Along one wall and spanning a corner of her studio, Birte Bosse stages small-scale exhibitions in order to visualize interactions between works,…[read on]