By Nora Kovacs // Sept. 30, 2015
When it was first announced that musical artist Jamie XX, visual artist Olafur Eliasson, and choreographer Wayne McGregor would be coming together to collaborate on an adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foer’s…[read on]
By Josie Thaddeus-Johns // Sept. 29, 2015
The flagship exhibition for Berlin Art Week, Stadt/Bild (Image of a City) was commissioned by the governing Mayor of Berlin and the Senate Chancellery – proof, if it was ever needed, that the city of Berlin’s interest in navel-gazing extends to the highest reaches of authority…[read on]
Article by Alison Hugill // Sept. 23, 2015
The title of the current exhibition by Larisa Crunţeanu and Sonja Hornung, Femina Subtetrix, suggests an underlying feminist counter-narrative, a pseudo sci-fi speculative invention perhaps. This initial…[read on]
By Alison Hugill // Sept. 17, 2015
Swedish-born, Berlin-based artist Karl Holmqvist is coming to abc this year with a series of his iconic text-based works, represented by Galerie Neu. The artist is well-known for his poetry readings, installations, and…[read on]
By Alan Smart // Sept. 16, 2015
Over Skype, I spoke with Fred Scharmen of the Working Group on Adaptive Systems from his Baltimore studio to discuss his latest “speculative utopian design proposal” for a Nonhuman Autonomous Space Agency…[read on]
Interview by Alena Sokhan // Sept. 15, 2015
French sculptor and artist Caroline Mesquita is using the large space in the basement of the Carlier|Gebauer as a studio for the last few months, creating large humanoid figures out of metal, scattered throughout the…[read on]
Björn Dahlem
by Alison Hugill // Sept. 14, 2015
In an unexpected turn of events, two days after our studio visit with architect Arno Brandlhuber, we had the occasion to visit one…[read on]
Arno Brandlhuber
by Alison Hugill // Sept. 7, 2015
You’ve likely passed the unusual building on Brunnenstraße, clad with multi-coloured polycarbonate and emitting an opaque…[read on]
Article by April Dell // Sept. 04, 2015
After a ten month hiatus for renovations, Berlinische Galerie reopened in May with Radikal Modern: Planen und Bauen im Berlin der 1960er-Jahre (Radically Modern: Urban Planning and Architecture in 1960s Berlin), an exhibition that aims to stimulate a fresh perspective on an era of modern architecture…[read on]