Ryoji Ikeda’s exhibition at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu sees his creative edge sharpened to a local focus, tackling Estonia’s history and culture…[read on]
“All things are alter’d, nothing is destroyed,” writes John Dryden, translating Odin’s ‘Metamorphosis.’ Or M. NourbeSe Philip, who borrows this epigraph from Odin in her book…[read on]
Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra’s latest show, ‘Still — Moving Portraits 1992 – 2024,’ provides a rich overview of the photographer’s work, which centers around states of transition…[read on]
Nan Goldin’s ‘This Will Not End Well’ at Neue Nationalgalerie is an exercise in confrontation. Comprising six distinct slideshows spanning five decades …[read on]
Gisèle Vienne’s dolls stare. They do so impassively; at the gallery’s floors, at the ceilings, at the walls or out its windows. They never lock eyes, despite always existing in each other’s vicinity…[read on]
After decades of pernickety poststructuralist critique, nothing is neutral or pure anymore—especially in the space of contemporary art where every detail is amplified…[read on]
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Arthur C. Clarke famously penned. Magic is precisely the word to describe the phantasmagoric effect Cyprien Gaillard conjures…[read on]
Spartacus Chetwynd was nominated for the Turner Prize in 2012, and shortly after took the liberty of renaming themselves as Marvin Gaye Chetwynd…[read on]
“Work, hard, intensive work that takes up all your brain and nerves, is the greatest pleasure in life”—or so Rosa Luxemburg would have us believe…[read on]
Paintings and collages by the Munich-born artist Thomas Eggerer that are presently on view at Capitain Petzel bracket the rich history of the site…[read on]
The 15th Dakar Biennale, ‘The Wake,’ takes place in the Ancien Palais de Justice near the west-most point of the continent. Completed just prior to French decolonization in 1958…[read on]