Posts Tagged ‘hans haacke’
Berlin Art Week 2020 Announces Physical (and Digital) Program for 9th Edition
by Judith Vallette // Aug. 7, 2020
In a positive turn of events, Berlin Art Week 2020 will take place once again this year, despite closures across the city this Spring. This year’s event will kick off a bustling new art season, running from September 9th to 13th…[read on]
Truth // Artist as Informant: ‘Evidentiary Realism’ at Nome
Article by Jack Radley in Berlin // Jan. 05, 2018
‘Evidentiary Realism’ at Nome Gallery uncovers a new wave of realism, one that divulges the underbelly of evidence from larger social systems. The exhibition is curated by Paolo Cirio—an artist who…[read on]