The supposed panoramic viewpoint of the Venice Biennale attempts to simultaneously transcend nationalism and promote diversity. In this all-encompassing wash, it’s hard…[read on]
Here’s a lie: The misfortune of the present is that it will become the future’s past. The artworks selected for this exhibition disprove that the past is a miserable precursor to the…[read on]
We started by rummaging. There were boxes of bubble-wrapped paintings, binders thick with inspirational images, photographs and fragments, and two new canvases…[read on]
What do off-spaces have to do with the debate on whether Berlin needs a Kunsthalle? A lot. In Berlin, the non-commercial, non-publicly funded exhibition spaces for art, are plentiful…[read on]
The Venice Biennale is the Disney World for artists, curators, and collectors. It’s a place where people journey to wander bewilderedly through the maze of the city, get caught in…[read on]
I think that the German Pavilion of the 54th Venice Biennial is incorporating the gap between on one hand representativity and identity (signifiers that are meant to express…[read on]
On Tuesday night, the much anticipated Based in Berlin show finally opened at Monbijourpark. The show presents 80 emerging contemporary artists across 5 venues and a…[read on]
The neighborhood of Tophane has carved itself out as a petite art’s distract within the western side’s new city (complete with it’s own Art Walk Guide boasting a modest 11 destinations…[read on]
Curator and writer Corinna Kirsch sat down with one of Berlin’s busiest and most intriguing dance and performance artists, Helga Wretman — also Germany’s tiniest stunt-…[read on]
When UK divas Gilbert and George heard that ArtStars* was coming to Arndt Gallery in Berlin – they left the place running. We chased them down the street on the way…[read on]
Gallery Weekend Kick-Off Party at KIM Bar, Berlin, Thursday, April 28, 2011; Featuring: Alison Fall (Performance Artist –; DJ Artstars*; Nadja Sayej (The Queen of Sass…[read on]