THE WEEK Nov. 18–24, 2019
Openings and events at Uferhallen, Daniel Marzona, Einbuch Haus, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Galerie Plan B, Institut für Alles Mögliche, Galerie im Turm, KOW, Barbara Wien, HAU1, Weiss…[read on]
THE WEEK February 06–12, 2017
Openings at Haus am Waldsee, König Galerie, Laura Mars Gallery, NGBK, Galerie Thomas Fischer, Cell63, Galerie Thomas Schulte, Haus am Lützowplatz, Edition Block, Eigen + Art Lab, Galeria Plan B, Image Movement, Lacuna Lab, Daniel Marzona,…[read on]
Art Fair // Art Los Angeles Contemporary
Article by Liam Casey in Los Angeles // Feb. 3, 2017
The crowds in and around the Santa Monica Airport’s Barker Hangar were plentiful as Thursday, January 26th marked the opening day of Art Los Angeles Contemporary’s weekend-long…[read on]
Exhibition // Presenting Women Artists at Goldrausch’s ‘Helium’
Article by Alena Sokhan – in Berlin; Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014.
The winners of last year’s Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt Scholarship are exhibiting at the Projektraum Flutgraben on the bank of the canal. Goldrausch is an art institute that offers a year long post-graduate course for women…[read on…]
GALLERY WEEKEND Apr. 28–May 04, 2014
Openings & events at Schering Stiftung, Neumeister Bar-Am, HKW – Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Koch Oberhuber Wolff, Momentum,…[read on]