Posts Tagged ‘Katharine Doyle’
Video by Berlin Art Link Productions, filmed by Peter Cairns, edited by Dylan Gephart, text and voice-over by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Sep. 19, 2017
The Cloud is based on the idea of humanity’s ability to communicate in large groups…[read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Sep. 16, 2017
Taking our seats before the start of Miet Warlop’s ‘Dragging the Bone’ at HAU — Hebbel Am Ufer, we are confronted face-on with an arena of smoothly fashioned plaster forms. The onstage sculptural elements…[read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Jul. 02, 2017
‘Air Horn’ is a fitting title for Open Forum’s exhibition of new paintings by Canadian artist Beth Letain. In one sense, the stark lines… [read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Jun. 30, 2017
In July 2017, Galerie Judin will open its doors for John Kleckner’s first painting exhibition ‘Years Disappear.’ Within his new body of work, John Kleckner transcends any painterly categorisation… [read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Jun. 26, 2017
Creating an immersive experience for viewers has been an ongoing mission for artists, museums and galleries in contemporary art. In order to realise this, media artists turned to…[read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Jun. 25, 2017
Between the 11–14th July, Tech Open Air (TOA) in their 6th edition will return with their conference to the iconic and beautiful location of Funkhaus in Berlin. Through partnering with companies including…[read on]
Article by Katharine Doyle in Berlin // Jun. 20, 2017
What are the implications of an artwork which is funny? This question recurrently arises when artistic production extends beyond conventional gallery contexts and begins engaging with forms of mainstream…[read on]