Posts Tagged ‘Post-Internet Art’
Article and Photos by Brigid Cara in Berlin // Feb. 16, 2017
Over four days last week the modernist factory Van Nellefabriek was once again home to Art Rotterdam. This year saw the 18th edition of…[read on]
Article by Brigid Cara in Berlin // Jan. 26, 2017
The 18th edition of Art Rotterdam will be opening for four art-filled days starting Thursday, February 9th until Sunday, February 12th. Located once again within the modernist factory Van Nellefabriek… [read on]
Article by Romily Alice in London // Sep. 16, 2016
Rachel Maclean’s signature cute/grotesque aesthetic, rooted in the fairytale genre and a critique of happiness marketing, belies the labor intensive production techniques that facilitate its construction…[read on]
Article by Alice Bardos in Berlin // Aug. 12, 2016
I’d done research into his sculptures and surreal post-internet pieces before I’d met him, but going off of the intellectual and nostalgic facets of his work—in tandem with with my quickly made presumptions towards…[read on]
Article by Romily Alice in London // Jul. 17, 2016
Curated by Molly Soda, Arvida Bystrom and Ada Rajkovic, ‘Zero Zero’ at Annka Kultys Gallery presents the work of 12 artists who are exploring reality and virtual space…[read on]