Article by Diana Arce and Nine Yamamoto-Masson in Berlin // Jul. 07, 2017
We are (of course) not the only ones who have noticed and called out a telling trend in the art scenes we are close to: the tendency of artists, curators, media…[read on]
Article by Diana Arce and Nine Yamamoto-Masson in Berlin // Jul. 05, 2017
One of our main areas of research at Artists Without a Cause is to find the best practices for art projects that are beneficial to communities. In this…[read on]
Article by Nat Marcus in Berlin // Jun. 27, 2017
Like proper witches, the BRUJAS collective shifts shapes: they are a skate crew emerging from the Bronx in the past few years, as well as an apparel design collective, party hosts, and a facilitator of workshops on…[read on]
Article by Claudia Grigg Edo in Berlin // Jun. 19, 2017
The most visually impressive work in Warren Neidich’s new exhibition, ‘Die Politik der Farbe’ – ‘The Politics of Color’ – is a huge cloud of words in bright neon tubing connected by arrows…[read on]
Article by Claudia Grigg Edo in Berlin // Jun. 14, 2017
Melanie Garland is a Chilean artist, currently based in Berlin. She is a co-founder of nomadicArt, an organisation that facilitates arts workshops for migrants, creating a safe space for action and exchange…[read on]
Article by Penny Rafferty in Berlin // Jun. 09, 2017
documenta 14 will open its doors for the second time this year, in Kassel on June 10th, under less than glowing reviews. After the first segment opened on April 8th in Athens, the exhibition has…[read on]
Article by Alison Hugill in Berlin // May 30, 2017
Through a host of different tactics and strategies, the independent platform Artists Without a Cause (AWAC) aims to connect artists working in the political and social field with organizations and activists who are…[read on]