Posts Tagged ‘Berlin Art Link’

Tschabalala Self

by Jack Radley // July 23, 2018
Layers of painted brick unfurl along the façade of the industrial building that houses Tschabalala Self’s studio in New Haven, Connecticut. Inside, the…[read on]

Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir

by MONA // June 8, 2018
For Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir the world is a community of people, including their surroundings and movements through time and space. She observes the patterns of…[read on]

Details Announced for the 10th Berlin Biennale

Berlin Art Link announcementof the 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art

Article by Louisa Stark // May 27, 2018
First held in 1998, Berlin’s inaugural Biennale for Contemporary Art was titled ‘Berlin/Berlin’ and, under the curatorial direction of MoMA’s Klaus Biesenbach, explored the rapidly changing nature of the city[read on]

Spotlight // Michelle Rawlings

Michelle Rawlings: 2017, Installation View // Courtesy of AND NOW

by Louisa Stark // May 12, 2018
A very particular culture and aesthetic surrounds the figure young woman or teenage girl that, nowadays, is both created by and viewed through the framework of social media. Michelle Rawlings, a[read on]

Gallery Weekend 2018 // The Kreuzberg Walkabout

Article by Berlin Art Link // Apr. 30, 2018
As luck would have it, this year’s Gallery Weekend tour took place in a small 500-metre radius around my apartment in Kreuzberg. With my sleeping baby strapped to my chest, I set out on Thursday night to the opening[read on]